Thursday, November 22, 2018



The job of 'ring man' is not for sissies. Nor are we talking about
the guy with coat and silk tie, eating barbecue, outside, the auction
ring, the bid collector, at the auction market. We are taking about the
real guy, inside the ring, matching wits with a killer cow. Yes, the
auctioneer gets top billing but it is the ring man, risking his life, so the
show may go on. The ring man profession is not listed as one of the
most dangerous jobs but it can be a widow maker, something like a
bull fighter. He's a decoy to get a raging bull or a huffy heifer in line.
Ring men wade into a herd of pair to sort off a cow and calf, they have
been seen walking across the backs of steers to get to a maverick.

Tennis Shoe Tommy was one ring man worth watching. Yes, he
had an attitude, but, he had an unequaled skill , a ducker and dodger,
and knew which steer need to be sorted off, most times before the buyer
knew. Always a step ahead of a hard charging cow. Tommy never got
hurt. His manure stained tennis shoes kept him agile and as he got older
at work. Cigarettes got him in the end.

Things at the auction gate did change, gate that the ring man opened
and closed were opened and closed with a button pushed by the
auctioneer. No more ring men. Total dismay. No more cowboy

Abstract: March 12, 2017, Steer Planet – Show Steers & Club
Calf Fourm by Lee Pitts.

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