Wednesday, December 26, 2018



This posting is for those unfamiliar with the vast Chesapeake Bay
marshes and their islands.

The island is Langralls less than five mile below Vienna, just
above Henry's Cross Roads and Lewis' Wharf of the Nanticoke River
side of Dorchester County. It has been described, thus; “ stands of tall
pie in a sea of grass, with ponds, quicksand flats, winding brackish
streams, menaced by erratic storms and tides. About all there is to hear
when there is the 'whistle' of duck wings, fogs hold it in a snug grip,
ice locks the ponds and steams tight. Savage winds have bent the
stunted loblollies and clouds of mosquitoes and other insects rise like
a mist. A beautiful, landscape, ever changing.”

It appears that the state owns Langralls. The only track left by long
departed settlers is a forgotten grave yard sitting far back off the western
side roadway, The stones in disarray among trees and shrubs, fallen,,
broken, and some imbedded in tree trunks and roots. The oldest stone
is dated 1834, the most recent 1869. There are nineteen burials, all but
two are Langrells. A two year old , James Evins, and a thirty five year old
Saley McCrareadey each have a marker. A simple marker holds an
epitaph “ Memory of Rebecca A. the wife of Henry W Langrall, born
May 18, 1823, died July 16 1854 “. This marriage did not change the
brides maiden name> Rebecca Langrall married Henry W. Langrall,
May 17, 1847, she being 24 years old, probably cousins.

Abstract: Tuesday, August 25, 1998, Salisbury Daily Times , article by
Hal Roth, of Vienna, author of “You can't never get to Puckum from

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