Tuesday, June 21, 2016



In 1930 Robert G. Houston was living in Georgetown, Delaware, with the distinction of being the only man in the history of the State of Delaware to be elected for three terms in the Lower House of Congress, serving from 1925 to 1933.
Robert Griffith Houston was born in Milton, Sussex County, the 13th of October, 1867, the son of Dr. David Henry Houston and Comfort Tingle Hitchens Houston. During the Civil War, his father was the Sergeant in Chief, First Division, Second Corps, U.S.V., from 1863 to 1864.
R. G. Houston attnded public schools in Lewes from 1872 to 1882, then read law with his uncle, Judge John W. Houston. In 1888, he was admitted to Kent County Bar during the October term of court. That same year he moved to Georgetown where he opened an office to practice his profession.
He was; Attorney for Sussex Almshouse, captain in Delaware National Guard, commander of Georgetown's company G, and was also assistant Adjutant General, owner of Georgetown weekly 'The Sussex Rebublican', as a Republican was nominated for several offices but lost to Democrat's, chairman of the County Republican Committee, 1901 collector of customs, president Delaware Sunday School Association, served on Governor Joshua Marvil's staff as adjutant general, Sussex county Assessment board member, helped establish 'Farm Bureau', secretary Georgetown Board of Education, member of town council, 1921 deputy attorney general. He was a Presbyterian, member A.F. & A. M., Royal Arch Masons, and many other local organization s.
1925 he served as a member of of the House in the 69th Congress, then the 79th and 71st Congress.
On the 20th of December, 1888, he married Margarete Burton White, daughter of Henry H. and Mary White of Overbrook, near Lewes, and had three children, Mrs Julian Thomas Robinson, Miss Elizabeth Houston, living in Georgetowm and a son , John W. Houston, prominent farmer of Overbrook, Sussex county.
Robert Griffith Houston, died in Lewes, 29 January 1946. and is buried in the Lewes Presbyterian Church Cemetery.

Thursday, June 9, 2016


: Proper Surf Bathing Attire For Rehoboth Beach in 1890

Coast Press Newspaper published in: Rehoboth Beach

Source: newspapers

Page/Column: Michael Morgan Delaware Diary

Rehoboth Beach 1890

Some vacationers at Rehoboth Beach did enjoy an ocean bath, between 11 am and 2 pm, the beach being clean, free from stone and rough shell, and the surf had no dangerous undertow. To do so the bathers needed to shed most of their clothing, without the discard of Victorian modesty.
Early bathing suits were made of bark blue or black flannel, female versions had elbow length sleeves, were worn with stockings and bloomers which covered the body from knees to shoulders. Men were able to forgo the stockings. When wet and sandy the bathers suits were wet and heavy, making it near impossible to wade, let alone swim. The town commissioners decree made this the legal way so as not to appear vulgar when wet

Wednesday, June 1, 2016


May 6, 1939 Capt. Thomas J. Virden becomes president of the Delaware River and Bay Pilots Association which pay tribute to a member, and a family,  who merits the honor. The Virden family of river pilots have been an influence in the direction  of the pilot group since the beginning.  Historical names confined to this occupation are Connell, Clampitt, Rowland, Maull, howard, West, Marshall, Wesley, Chambers and Virden, all of which lived in Lewes.