Sunday, May 14, 2017





Thursday, December 12, 1872, stockholders of “The Rehoboth Methodist Camp Meeting Ground”, met in Wilmington's St. Pauls, Methodist Episcopal Church , to prefect plans for a camp meeting city by the sea.

Rev. John Wilson acted as president and T. S. Hodson of Crisfield, Maryland, as secretary.
The following committee was appointed to prepare for the afternoon session: Rev. R. W. Todd, Chairman; T. S. Hodson, S. R. Houston, W. H. Foulk, J. J. McCollough, H. F. Pickles, Washington Hastings, R. E. Robinson, Rev. J. Todd, W. H. Billany, Rev. J. B. Qulgg, and Alexander Kelley.


Much business was transacted. Resolution adopted providing that the name of the association
be “ The Rehoboth Beach Camp Meeting Association”. That the number of corporators shall consist of thirty, who shall be menbes of the association and members of the Methodist Episcopal Church.

The Object of the Association Shall Be; First; To hold camp meetings on the grounds according to the customs and usages of the Methodist Episcopal church.
Second: To provide and maintain a sea side resort, where everything inconsistent with Christian morality as taught by the Methodist Episcopal Church , shall be excluded and prohibited.

A resolution providing that the corporation shall elect from their own number their own officers who shall be “ex-officio” officers of the association of stockholders; that they shall appoint from their own number the necessary committees to preform the work to secure the object for which the association is formed ; that the term of office of one third of the directors shall expire at the meeting of the stockholders at the annual camp meeting foe 1873; one third at the 1874 meeting; and the remainder at the 1875 meeting. All adopted.

Also adopted was a resolution that the Directors whose term of office once expires shall be eligible for reelection.

Adopted resolution that limit the number of shares at 300 ; that no subscriber shall have at one time more that two shares, no shares to be issued except to ”bona fide” holders; that no transfer be made without concurrence of the Directors.

Adopted resolution providing that officers of the corporation and association shall be a president, vice president, secretary and a treasurer. An agent or superintendent shall be appointed by directors with powers and duties to be prescribed by them.


Resolved that each lot shall be not less than 50 by 100 feet and but one cottage on one lot: each share of stock shall entitle the holder to one first class lot; that stockholders shall draw for choice of lot in the order of their subscription and shall make their selection within ten days of the drawing or the choice shall be void.

Resolved that after stockholders have selected lots, applicants for stock and for lots too late to be included in the number, shall be entitled to select in order of application at $50 per lot.

Resolved that the President is authorized to pay $2000 out of the funds for purchase of two tracts of land near Lewes, Delaware, known as the Marsh Farm and the Downmartin Farm, in trust for the stockholders of the association.

Resolved that a committee prepare a Charter for submission to the next Legislature. Several other resolutions, that amount due on stock may be paid in installments, that the President may call corporators together anytime he deem proper, that a majority of directors may fill vacancies that may occur between the annual meeting, all passed.


The following were named as corporators; E. Stubbs, J. B. Quigg, L. C. Matlack, C. Hill,
W. M. Warner, J. Todd, R. W. Todd, J. J. Hurst, T. S. Hodson. G. P. Fisher, John Wilson, A. Kelley,
  1. Heister, H. Pickles, J. Pyle, T. Thompkingson, William Foulk, T. F. Plummer, Wm.. Billany,
C.H.B. Day, W. Hastings, C. F. Rudolph, P. F. Causey, R. Heister, T. Field, H. C. Robinson, W. F. Robinson, Jacob Sharp, Thomas Malialeiu, F. A. Ellis.
Resolved that the first camp meeting shall be held on the grounds Wednesday July 9, 1873
and continue for two weeks.

The meeting then adjourned, 'sine die'.

Abstract Harrison Howeth, 2017, Wilmington New Journal , Friday , December 13, 1872 source.

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