Wednesday, November 7, 2018



George Soros is chariman of Soros fund Management and chairman
of Open Society Foundations,, a pioneer of the hedge fund industry
and author of many financeal books.

December 28, 2016 he wrote, “Open Society Needs Defending”.
These are his words;

Well before Trump was elected President og the United States, I sent
holiday greetings to my friends that read, “These Time Are Not
Business As Usual. Wishing you the best in a troubled world.”

I the need to give the rest of the world the message but first you
need to know who I am and what I stand for.

I am a Hungarian Jew, born 1930, who became a U.S. Citizen
after WW II. I suffered through the occupation of Hungary by Hitler. I
learned early it is important to understand the kind of political regime
is in control.

In 1947 I left Communist Hungary to go to England as a student
of the London School of Economics under the influence of Karl
Popper, a philospher. I soon developed my own philosophy built on
fallibility and reflexivity. I distinguished beteen two political
regimes, one which the people elected leaders who were to look after
those peoples interest. This I called an open society, the other where the
ruler manupulated the people to serve the rulers interest, which I called
the closed society.

I found the classification too simplistic, there are too many variations .
Even so I fnd the to types of regime types useful.

I became an active promoter of the open society and a opponent of
the closed society.

I find the current sitituation. remember this is 2016, very painful,
open societies are in crisis and various forms of closed societies ,
like fascist dictatorships to mafia states, are on the rise. My explanation
is that elected officials failed to meet voters aspirations an this failure
led voters to be disenchanted with democracy and capitalism. Rather
simply said, voters felt the elected officials had stolen their democracy.

When the Soviet Union collapsed the US emerged the sole remaning
superpower, equally committed to democracy and free markets.
Since then has been the globalization of financial markets that are said
to increase total wealth. Even if the winners compensated the loosers, the
winner would have some left overs.

Very misleading, it ignored the fact that winners seldom compensated
the looser. The potential winners spent big money promoting their
plan and was a victory to free interprise and globalization spread.

Globalization has had far reaching econmic and political consequences.
It has closed a gap between rich and poor nations. It benefited large owners
of capital who are less than 1% of the population. It had a large effect
on Europe.

I was a supporter of the Eeuropean Union and regarded it a
idea of an open society. It was called “Piecemeal Social Engimeering”.
Something went wrong, debtors had difficulties meeting obligations
to creditors who set conditions debtors had to obay.

Germany came out as the hegemontic power in Eutope but failed,
Lehman Brrrother failed, then Brexit, then Trump.

Democracy is now in crises, the leading democracy elected a con
artist and would be dicator as its leader. Eventhough Trump has toned
down his rhetoric he has not changed his behavior nor advisers. His
cabinet comprises incompetent extreamist and retired generals.

OK. What is ahead?

I am confident democracy will prove resilent, recover, in the US, it's Constitution and institutions are strong enough to ressist excesses of
the executive branch and prevent a dictator. US has struggles and
targeted minorities will suffer, be unalbe to promote democracy in other
countrys, Trump will become more frindly with 'dictators' , allowing
them to carry on without interference.

I was particularly concerned about the fate of the European Union being
in danger of coming under Vladinir Putin whi is not a beneficiary
of the recent developments. He is concerned and working hard to
correct his regimes weakness. He tried to take control of social
media, spread misinformation and fake news. A brilliant move. This
I feel helped get Trump elected.

With economic growth lagging and the refugee crisis out of control
EU is on the verge of breakdown.

Abstract: November 7, 2018 by Harrison H. from
Project Syndicate,, George Soros'
own words, titled “Open Society Needs Defending” dated
December 28, 2016.

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