Monday, January 23, 2017

Rhodes Shankland's Quakertown


Residents of the little village of Quakertown on the outskirts of Lewes were surprised the week of November 7, 1941, by the visit of three maiden sister, descendants of the Shankland family which founded the original village in the late 1700's. The Misses Caroline, Helen and Julia Shankland of Freehold, New Jersey, all retired school teachers, stopped by and made themselves known to the “town treasurer”, Mrs Colin McNichol. They did so since they had found the village founded by their ancestor, Rhodes Shankland, had a treasurer but no Treasury. Each lady contributed “three lucky pennies” as a nucleus to the town fund.

The original settlement of Quakertown disappeared many years ago, only one dwelling remains, the home of Rhodes Shankland, built as early 1725, when the Society of Friends established the settlement, perhaps of fifteen families.

The Shankland sisters also asked of the “Mayor” James T. Lank if there were any descendants of the family still living in the area which Mr. Lank said there were none. They then told that an ancestor of theirs by name of Shankland originally surveyed the town of Lewes.

The original village was later known as Prettymanville, named in compliment to the Prettyman family that then lived there. Later the name was restored to Quakertown.

In the early 1940's, in the Shankland home lived the Marshall Coverdale family, his wife Dorothy, three daughters Ann, Joan and Lenora. Marshall was a marine ship engineer with the Delaware Bay & River Pilots Association who later moved to Erie, Pennsylvania to sail the Great Lakes.

Abstract Wilmington News Journal,Wilmington, Delaware, 7 November 1941

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