Tuesday, June 26, 2018



MARCH 3 1898

The New York based “American Fisheries Company” trust takes control of
Lewes fish factories as it organized the control of fish oil industry on the east coast.

Captain John Fisher, manager of Delaware Oil and Fertilized Company, gave
notice that the 'trust' took control of James Lennen & Company and Luce Brothers
factories last Saturday. It has been agreed that Delaware Oil & Fertilizer will be turned
over within a few days. Plants at various location will operate under 'other' names and
management, some retaining present firm names and their management which include the
Delaware Oil & Fertilizer Company.

The manager for the new concern at this location is Louis Allyn, formerly of Lennen
& Co., works who is well known and a very popular manager in the industry. He soon will move to Lewes from his home now in Mantie, Connecticut.

It is not yet known the effect of the transfer of the fish works will have on the
government suit against them as a nuisance, menace to the health of patients at the U. S.
Hospital & Quarantine Station.

Captain Fisher would not confirm rumors that the new company will increase
factory capacities here to the greatest of any factory now on this earth. He also told that
the price paid by the Trust for the rights and property was very satisfactory. It was
noted that the old companies cannot engage in the fish oil business for twenty years.

Abstract 06/26/18 by Harrison H: Thursday March 3, 1898 Wilmington morning News.

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