Saturday, November 10, 2018



The Friday , November 19, 1943, Wilmington News Journal,
has reported that the young lady's of the Rehoboth Beach vicinity are
invited to attend the Rehoboth U S O Club Thanksgiving dance , next
Monday and come dressed as “victory gardeners” for the costume
dance which is the first social affair of the Thanksgiving season to
honor the men of the Army, Navy and Coast Guard who are stationed
near by.

Miss Katherine Ross, well known opera singer, the program chairman
had the idea to have the girls appear in a rural costume as the USO
dance is to carry the 'barn dance' embellishments and decorations.

Refreshments of cold cider and ginger cookies will be served by the management committee under Mrs Mark Porter.

The Monday , November 22, 1943 Wilmington Morning News
reports the Thanksgiving season will be quietly enjoyed at the beach
this year as many cottage owners will open their beach home with the
fair “Indian Summer” weather .

The only social event will be the USO Harvest Dance to honor the
servicemen stationed near by. The Harvest Barn Dance is a costume
dance, with the visiting girls dressed as victory gardeners , to the country
harvest decorations. Miss Katherine Ross is the USO program chairman
who arranged the affair.

Among those returning to spend Thanksgiving at the beach are
Mr & Mrs Felix duPont who came up north from their South Carolina
plantation “ Combahee” . Miss Mabel Grenoble of Gettysburg, has
arrived at her brothers home last Wednesday for Thanksgiving dinner.
Mr Grenoble, who has just come home from Beebe Hospital, free of his
short illness.

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