Saturday, March 16, 2019



An OX or if there are two or more, OXEN, known too as bullock, is a bovine, trained to be

a draft animal or riding animal. The OX is commonly a castrated adult male cattle. The

castration causes the animal docile.. Oxen are uses to plow, pull carts, pull logs out of the forest or

marshes and of all things, threshing of grain by trampling. Draft Oxen are yoked in pairs and a team

may exceed ten pair. History has it that Oxen were first harnessed to work in 4000 BC.

Working Oxen are taught by age four, to respond to 'signals' of the teamster, aka Ox Driver

, verbal command or a body movement, reinforced by a 'goad', whip or pole, like 'gee' turn right,

'giddyup', for go, 'haw' turn left, 'whoa' , stop. By age seven they are retired, fattened up for


Oxen can pull heavier loads, for a longer time than horses, are less excitable, but slower..

An OX has his harness, a yoke, fitted to it's neck and shoulder.


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